Sunday, November 25, 2007


Some random thoughts

Well, Tracey's stint as guest programmer on TCM was interesting and revealing. Two of her selections, Kes and Withnail and I, had never been aired on TCM before and so would be brand new to most of the channel's viewers. She mentioned that the channel has really been giving her an education in American movie history, that her son is a big fan of Withnail and I, and that she really does not care for the glacial pace of most movie making (although this wasn't much of a revelation, for she's said this before).

Earlier in the month, Tracey was one of many who were interviewed in a PBS American Masters tribute to Carol Burnett (you'll recall they worked together in the 2005 version of Once Upon a Mattress). Among the many clips featured in the show was one from the 1964 TV version of Mattress, allowing one to get a bit of a feel for Carol's portrayal of Princess Winnifred and compare it to Tracey's portrayal.

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